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Apochromatik's 2018 Top Ten Blog Roundup

2018 was a busy year. Now it’s almost in the history books.

So what better time than the last ten days of the year, when offices are a bit quieter and life seems to slow down just a bit, to take a moment to catch up on some great reading that you had every intention of getting to all year?

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So we decided to make that process easy for you.

In a nod to David Letterman, this week we highlight the top ten Apochromatik blog posts of 2018 from the Home Office in Chicago, Illinois. We hope you enjoy…

10. Need More Time? Find More Time Every Week. We started the year with some time management tips to put you in the best position to recapture some of one of your most valuable assets, your time.

9. Have a video interview coming up? Never had a video interview before but suddenly find yourself with one on your calendar? Never used Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Check out Five Tips to Ace Your Video Interview.

8. Amy M. Gardner had a favorite that had Noah’s Ark employee alumni nationwide reading along on the blog. Everything You Need to Know to Succeed in Your Career I Learned at Noah's Ark Waterpark, captured those lessons we learn early in life from our first jobs. We can benefit when we take time to reflect, remember, and incorporate them into our careers.

7. Need to prepare a reference list for a job and not sure where to start? 3 Steps to a Highly Effective Reference List will help you prepare a reference list that is at the ready next time you need it. As a bonus, you can check out 7+ Tips to Help Your References Make You Shine.

6. Does email irritate you? Do your emails irritate others? Apochromatik took a look at this issue in March 2018 with the post Eight Easy Ways to Irritate Email Recipients. Give it a quick read and cross check your email habits.

5. Do your New Year’s Resolutions include an exercise component? Many of us go into the new year with the very best intentions. Go beyond good intentions and read Exercise: 9 Tips to Find the Time and start off 2019 right.

4. In April and May we took a deep dive into something that many people don’t enjoy but is KEY to expanding your career and opening doors to new opportunities: Networking. Apochromatik has a four part series on the website. We’ll cheat here and post the fourth in the series, which contains links to the first three parts of the series. Making number four in this list, actually have four parts! Check out How to Build A Network From Scratch in 15 Minutes A Week, Part IV.

3. 9 Ways to Go Beyond the Imposter Syndrome was one of the most popular posts in 2018. The imposter syndrome goes beyond feeling insecure about your qualifications or experience and causes people to make illogical leaps. We work with clients on Imposter Syndrome concerns regularly. This is an important post to check out.

2. An unusual post by Amy M. Gardner, Career Lessons from a White House Internship: Alongside a Stalker, became instantly popular. The lessons within are well worth the read. Here in this post, we’ll let the headline speak for itself!

And the NUMBER ONE BLOG POST OF 2018? Well, when we say “number one blog post” that is really the post that we currently find most important and have determined is MOST worth a read during this season. And this list certainly isn’t audited by a prestigious auditing firm, or kept secret before posting….so the drama might be a bit much.

Without further ado, the number one blog post from the 2018 Apochromatik Blog…

1. Make 2019 Different (and by Different I mean Great), is an in depth look, by Keith R. Sbiral, at how a Mastermind group can change your career and life. A bonus post on this topic came a week later when Amy M. Gardner posted, How Listening to Leslie Knope Changed My Life. Give them a read. And if you are interested in a mastermind group in 2019, check out www.futureinfocus2019.com.

And one bonus…Apochromatik's Holiday Guide: Make this your best holiday season yet is a good read if you are looking for bonus material to make the holiday season great or take advantage of the quiet time at the office.

Thank you for reading and sharing our posts!

Please share any suggestions for blog post topics for 2019 in the comments, stay tuned for more content in the new year, and happy holidays!