Are you thinking about 2019?
It’s time to start now.
Over the next three weeks Apochromatik will be announcing some exciting new ways to help you reach your goals, create the life you want, and synchronize your career with the vision of that life.
Don’t wait until after the game on New Year’s Day to start planning 2019. Be prepared to hit the ground running and execute your plan. There are just under 50 days left in 2018 — just enough time to make a rock solid game plan for next year.
Additionally, if you are considering a new job, the first quarter is the best time to find that job. Waiting until January to get started means starting out behind. Consider joining Resume Redo now and set the foundation for your job search.
Your Thanksgiving week to do list:
Consider joining Resume Redo www.resumeredo.com
Stay tuned to Apochromatik for new ways to make 2019 great. Sign up for the email list, follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Imagine it’s November 28, 2019 (Thanksgiving, 2019). What results do you need to achieve in 2019 for you to look back with pride and gratitude? Write down the results you want to achieve. Don’t worry about the how right now — Apochromatik can supply that. Just focus on the what and the why. What do you want to achieve in your career? Why? Dig deep. Will achieving a new job with room for advancement make Sundays with your family more pleasant? Will achieving that promotion renew your pride in your work, and allow you to finally remodel the kitchen? Whatever it is, and whatever the reason, write it down.
Give thanks and show gratitude for at least 5 things in your life.
Stay tuned...