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3 Strategies to Covid-19-Proof Your Career

 We know you’re busier than ever, particularly if you are working remotely with small children, so this week we’re sharing 3 steps you can take to Covid-19-Proof your career.  If you’d like more suggestions, join us online for #cocktailsduringcovid Thursday, March 19 at 5 central.  Register herefor the link.  We’ll share more tips and you’ll be able to meet other professionals trying to figure this whole thing out.

Strategy 1:  Build your support systems.  

This is not the time to withdraw.  This is the time to reach out to your network, to check in on friends, and to raise your profile.  In Tuesday’s ApochroMinute we discussed how to deepen relationships and build your network during a time of social distancing.  The key takeaway is that this can actually be an easier time to build genuine relationships.  Check out the video for more details.

Beyond a network, consider whether a cohort of other smart, caring, ambitious professionals would be helpful.  Whether an informal accountability group with friends or a more formal, professionally run mastermind, additional support, accountability, and encouragement can be invaluable, particularly now.  A mastermind, when properly implemented, can help you save enormous amounts of time and get results you couldn’t have on your own. As just one example, we’ve been excited to see how the Future in Focus 2020 Mastermind participants are making big leaps in their careers and lives, even just 6 weeks into the program.  In fact, since we know how well our program works, we’ve decided to add another cohort of attorneys looking to advance or transition in their careers to start very soon.  If you’re interested, email amy@apochromatik.com.  If you’re thinking of starting something on your own, check out the resources on the Apochromatik blog.

Strategy 2:  Invest in your skills.  

Identify a few skills you want to improve during and work on them for a few minutes every day.  (That way you’ll make progress regardless how long this lasts.)  Whether it’s your Spanish to better converse with international clients, getting better at proofreading, or enhancing your executive presence to be more comfortable and confident in meetings, speaking engagements, and job interviews, this is a great time to identify some skills and put forth a focused effort to improve them.  (If executive presence is one of your priorities, start today by taking our free Executive Presence Quiz to assess where you are and get free tips to improve.  If you run a team, have them all take it and use the results to launch a discussion of executive presence and what it means when everyone is online.)

One side note:  If you’re a professional with a continuing education deadline approaching, this is a good time to knock out those requirements with programs you are interested in and that will benefit your career.

Strategy 3: Be proactive.  

Update your résumé and LinkedIn, reach out to your references to reconnect, and polish your cover letter.  This may seem excessive, but if nothing else, reviewing your accomplishments and contributions can help you in your annual review, salary negotiation, and even as you think about the next steps in your career.  And having your materials up to date will give you some peace of mind and space to process if it becomes necessary.

If it’s been a while or the thought is just overwhelming, you don’t need to go it alone.  You can find loads of resources online, including on the Apochromatik blog, and you can enlist expert help at ResumeRedo.com.

These are definitely difficult times, but building your support system, investing in your skills, and being proactive can all help your career now and in the days to come.  Until then, take care, wash your hands, reach out if we can support you, and join us for #cocktailsduringcovid.  

Amy M. Gardner is a certified professional coach with Apochromatik specializing in career development and career transition coaching.  Amy is a former Big Law associate, partner at a mid-size law firm, and dean of students at a top 5 law school. Today she works with lawyers and other high-achieving professionals to build the career and life they want. Contact Amy directly at amy@apochromatik.com.