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Are You Résumé Ready?  You should be.

Are You Résumé Ready? You should be.

Are you résumé ready?

If tomorrow you hear about a perfect board position, how long will it take you to prepare your materials to apply?  

You aren’t looking for a job right now.  But what if you stumble upon the best next step for your career and the application is due tomorrow?  Are you prepared to submit?

If you are looking for a new job, is your résumé one of those items on your procrastination list that you don’t have done?

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Match your skills with the skills employers want

Match your skills with the skills employers want

This week we are focusing on the job search process and ensuring that your resume matches the skills employers seek. Be sure to visit to download the free 5 1/2 Steps to Trash Proof Your Resume, and listen to this video by Jason Green, founder of Skillsmart.  

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You've had the Thanksgiving it is Cyber Monday!

You've had the Thanksgiving it is Cyber Monday!

You’ve had the Thanksgiving Feast...

Stood in line for the deals of the century...

Took a nap over the weekend and watched a game, binge watched that show you have been wanting to watch, or spent time with friends or family...

And now?

You are back at work.

Things haven’t changed since before the holiday, have they?  They probably won’t change in the new year either.  In fact, they probably haven’t changed for a long time now, right?

Are you ready to move your career to the next level?

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