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5 Tips to Ace Your Video Interview

5 Tips to Ace Your Video Interview

You probably remember the hilarity and chaos that ensued when a professor being interviewed live by the BBC was interrupted by his kids.

While that situation was extreme, it’s a good reminder that the best-laid plans for video conversations can sometimes go hilariously awry.  Here are five tips to help you ace your video interview – and avoid becoming a meme in the process.

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Need more time?  Find more time every week!

Need more time? Find more time every week!

OK, so that title isn’t 100% accurate – you have 10,080 minutes per week whether you follow our advice to track your time or not.  But hear me out. 

You may already need to keep track of your time for your job, maybe even in 6-minute increments.  But what about when you aren’t at work?  And what about all those things you do during the day that don’t get recorded?  Tracking all of your time for a week can help you figure out where your 1,440 minutes per day, 168 hours per week are going.  Armed with that knowledge, you can evaluate whether you’re investing your time the way you want to and the way you need to in order to achieve your goals.  Later, I’ll explain just how to do this.  But first, why it’s worth the effort.     

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12 Ways to Invest a Quiet Day in the Office

12 Ways to Invest a Quiet Day in the Office

Forget 12 drummers drumming.  Here are 12 ways to make the most of a quiet day in the office. 

As you look forward to the next few weeks, you may plan to be in the office on what is likely to be a quiet day.  Whether you have intentionally planned ahead to be in the office when others are out, or just need to be in, a quiet day in the office can be an opportunity to wrap up 2017 and start off 2018 in great shape.  So before you fall down the rabbit hole of the internet, realize it’s 5:00 p.m. and you have wasted the one day you could be assured of hearing yourself think, here are twelve ideas to make the most of a quiet day in the office.

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