The blog for all things Apochromatik.
Farther, Faster…

One of our most popular trainings is on how to solicit and respond to feedback, both during and outside the formal review context. (We also train supervisors on how to give meaningful feedback.) As we speak to people who have made time to attend a training on making the most of feedback, we often hear that they are “too busy” to prepare for their review. As we always say, that’s like saying “I was so busy packing for vacation that I didn’t have time to book a plane ticket.” Your review may be the one time all year when you and your boss both carve out time to sit and talk about your career. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

One Common Mistake to Avoid in the Search for True Job/Career Satisfaction
Job satisfaction, and for that matter career satisfaction, can play a big role in our overall happiness. I don’t know many people who haven’t had the Sunday evening “workweek dread” come over them around 4:00 p.m. But if that happens to you more weeks and sometimes days than not, you might need to consider whether you have real job satisfaction.

Eight Ways to Irritate Email Recipients
Studies show that the average professional spends one-third of their work day on work email. That means that email can have a big impact on your career. Read on for eight common—and easily correctable—mistakes you may be making with your emails.

Career Lessons from a White House Internship: Alongside a Stalker
When someone sees my resume, the item I’m most likely to be asked about is my internship in the West Wing of the White House. That is usually followed up by asking whether I know there’s a character named Amy Gardner on the “West Wing” TV show. (Yes, I do, and I have a great – mostly true – story about how she really could be named after me. And if you know any different, don’t tell me. I like my version better.) Until now, though, I haven’t publicly shared how I got that West Wing internship. It wasn’t due to connections or networking and certainly not any special expertise. Instead, I got my internship in the White House press office largely because of the lessons I learned from a stalker.

Preparing for your annual performance review?
Performance reviews are just around the corner for many firms and organizations. In addition to our recent four-part series on performance reviews, check out Amy M. Gardner’s conversation about performance reviews on Heather Hubbard’s Hustle & Flow podcast.

You’ve heard that you need mentors, but what does that even mean in real life?
Next Thursday, September 20, join Apochromatik’s Amy M. Gardner for a free webinar on How to Build and Utilize Meaningful Mentoring Relationships.

1 Year Ago Today...
A year ago we first shared our Apochromatik website and launched our Apochromatik Facebook page.
Since then, we’ve built our business to the point where we both now work with our coaching and consulting clients full-time.

How is 2018 going for you?
If your check engine light comes on in your car do you go on YouTube, buy some self help books, check with friends, ignore it as long as you can, and eventually take it apart in the evening after work in your garage? Or, do you call your mechanic or car dealership to run a diagnostic? The vast majority of us don’t have the technical skill to troubleshoot modern cars...but do we have the technical skills to troubleshoot our career and personal goals?

9 Ways to Go Beyond the Imposter Syndrome
We recently taught a webinar on the imposter syndrome for the American Bar Association. (ABA members can access the webinar and earn CLE free of charge here. Non-ABA members can access the webinar with a 15% discount by using the discount code FACMARK at checkout.)
In conversation with the ABA and program moderator Lacy Durham in advance of the webinar, one of the issues identified was that many people who feel they are a fraud or imposter think they’re unusual or alone, which adds to their shame and difficulty understanding that these feelings are common and not related to qualifications or skill. We’re prepared this blog post as part of an effort to normalize the feelings of imposterism and help lawyers and other professionals build awareness. It’s based on the remarks we and Lacy made during the webinar and is intended, in a more cursory way, to provide some brief background and resources. We encourage you to share it with colleagues and your network to spur more discussion of the imposter syndrome and, in so doing, help remove the stigma around it.

Apochromatik's Amy M. Gardner and Keith R. Sbiral to headline American Bar Association CLE Webinar on Imposter Syndrome.
Learn techniques to overcome negative thought patterns that can create an "imposter syndrome" that limits your ability to serve your clients with due diligence.

7+ Tips to Help Your References Make You Shine
This week we turn to something that is often a stumbling block for those currently searching for a new job: references.