The blog for all things Apochromatik.

Farther, Faster…

A message from Apochromatik

Below is a modified version of the email that went out to our list yesterday. In it, we share some of our thinking about one small thing we’re doing to ensure our own promotions don’t take up space this week that should be occupied by other voices. Please know this isn’t the polished, thoughtful statement we’d like to make, but we’ve been focused on helping our clients during this time rather than on making perfect statements, and on saying something today rather than something better down the road. Because we know that waiting to speak hasn’t helped.

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ApochroMinute 20: Challenge

ApochroMinute 20: Challenge

The ApochroMinute is normally, well…a minute.

With all that is going on between citizens marching for equality and a global pandemic, we felt it appropriate to expand the ApochroMinute to 2 minutes today.

We know that as a small business, we can’t fix all of the inequalities in America. But we also know that as a small business that helps professionals build their careers, we have skills and tools that we can share. Please watch today’s ApochroMinute[s].

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ApochroMinute 12: 2 Things

ApochroMinute 12: 2 Things

If you’re having trouble feeling productive right now, you’re not alone. Skip the memes shaming you for not decluttering your house and adopting 10 new habits. Instead, we have a suggestion to feel more productive and more in control.

And, when this is over, you might just be a better ukulele player, have improved that rusty high school French, or mastered Excel pivot tables. But you’ll also have your sanity and energy intact.

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Career During Crisis

Career During Crisis

The second quarter is here! For our first blog post of the new quarter, check out Apochromatik’s Keith R. Sbiral on Chicagoland Chats with Adam Czerwinski and Butch Zemar earlier this week. They discussed topics relevant for those currently on the job market and those who expect to be: job searches, resumes, and interview presence. While their discussion applies to a job search any time, it’s (unfortunately) especially relevant now.

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