The blog for all things Apochromatik.
Farther, Faster…
ApochroMinute 26: 2020 2.0
In this week’s ApochroMinute Keith discusses the successes of our attorney mastermind clients and a tool for attorneys to be intentional about the remainder of 2020.
ApochroMinute 25: Feedback Mindset
In this week’s ApochroMinute: “Feedback Mindset,” Amy discusses the mindset you should adopt toward feedback as mid-year reviews begin.
ApochroMinute 24: Career Resiliency
In this week’s ApochroMinute: “Career Resiliency,” and leaning into your job search in the summer months.
ApochroMinute 23: References
In this week’s ApochroMinute: “References available upon request,” and other common reference mistakes. (And how to avoid them.) Plus why your career may need a bootcamp.
ApochroMinute 22: Career Resiliency
There are steps you can take right now to reduce the likelihood of being laid off or furloughed, and to lessen the blow if you are. This week’s ApochroMinute explains.
To join us this Thursday at noon central for Responding to the Covid Economy: Creating Career Resiliency, REGISTER HERE.
ApochroMinute 21: Challenge
Wondering what next week’s free Career Rebound Challenge is, and whether you should sign up? This week’s ApochroMinute has the answers.
A message from Apochromatik
Below is a modified version of the email that went out to our list yesterday. In it, we share some of our thinking about one small thing we’re doing to ensure our own promotions don’t take up space this week that should be occupied by other voices. Please know this isn’t the polished, thoughtful statement we’d like to make, but we’ve been focused on helping our clients during this time rather than on making perfect statements, and on saying something today rather than something better down the road. Because we know that waiting to speak hasn’t helped.
ApochroMinute 20: Challenge
The ApochroMinute is normally, well…a minute.
With all that is going on between citizens marching for equality and a global pandemic, we felt it appropriate to expand the ApochroMinute to 2 minutes today.
We know that as a small business, we can’t fix all of the inequalities in America. But we also know that as a small business that helps professionals build their careers, we have skills and tools that we can share. Please watch today’s ApochroMinute[s].
ApochroMinute 19: Yet
In this week’s ApochroMinute, Amy shares her favorite word, and how it can help you shift from feeling inadequate or intimidated to motivated and up for a challenge.
Be sure to come back for Thursday’s blog post, where we’ll talk about why a growth mindset is critical for your career, especially in this economy.
ApochroMinute 17: GSD
Need a little extra help getting stuff done? This week’s ApochroMinute and this weekend’s Get Stuff Done Days will help.
Check it out, and join us Friday and/or Saturday to Get Stuff Done.
ApochroMinute 16: LinkedIn Mistake
Your online image is an important part of your executive presence. Yet many professionals make a mistake online that undercuts the image they want to portray. Are you making this mistake?
Check out this week’s ApochroMinute for a quick tip to fix it.
ApochroMinute 15: Be Ready
Victor Hugo wrote, "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." Be ready when the sun rises.
ApochroMinute 14: Sleep
If you’re having trouble with your sleep schedule right now, a tool built into your phone can help.
Check out this week’s ApochroMinute, and visit our Covid-19 resource page for more timely tips as we get through this challenge together.
Looking for help to stay motivated and resilient during this challenging time?
Looking for help to stay motivated and resilient during this challenging time? Amy M. Gardner was a featured panelist for a Becker Group C-Suite Reports webinar on Motivation and Resilience – Key Thoughts in a Complex World.
Summer is just around the corner: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed in Your Career I Learned at Noah's Ark Waterpark
With all that’s going on, we thought you might like to be transported for a few minutes to summer, and to times that now seem so much simpler. That’s why we’re resharing this post that has resonated with readers from around the world.
ApochroMinute 13: Making a Quit List
How do you want things to be different in your life after the Covid-19 crisis is over? A quit list can help you get there.
ApochroMinute 12: 2 Things
If you’re having trouble feeling productive right now, you’re not alone. Skip the memes shaming you for not decluttering your house and adopting 10 new habits. Instead, we have a suggestion to feel more productive and more in control.
And, when this is over, you might just be a better ukulele player, have improved that rusty high school French, or mastered Excel pivot tables. But you’ll also have your sanity and energy intact.
Career During Crisis
The second quarter is here! For our first blog post of the new quarter, check out Apochromatik’s Keith R. Sbiral on Chicagoland Chats with Adam Czerwinski and Butch Zemar earlier this week. They discussed topics relevant for those currently on the job market and those who expect to be: job searches, resumes, and interview presence. While their discussion applies to a job search any time, it’s (unfortunately) especially relevant now.
ApochroMinute 11: Q2 2020
Today we will briefly address goal achievement in the age of Covid19. For more resources go to and be sure to join us for networking, problem solving, and coaching for #cocktailsduringcovid on Monday and Thursday at 5 p.m. CDT. Register at