The blog for all things Apochromatik.
Farther, Faster…

You are More than a Worm
Have you ever heard the Howard Moskowitz quote, “to a worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish”?
If you haven’t, it may take a minute to process. (My first reaction was “why would a worm be in horseradish? Is it like having a worm in tequila?”) Another way to think about it is that when you’re in the thick of a situation—whether temporary or long-term—it can be impossible to see more than what is immediately in front of you. That can be a reasonable perspective; if a bear is charging you, it’s a huge asset to be able to focus on getting out of the way without being distracted by thoughts of a long-term crisis. But putting your head down and focusing on the things right around you it is not a good long-term strategy.

ApochroMinute 33: Accountability
What accountability tactic do you use to keep yourself progressing toward your goals? This week’s ApochroMinute shares tips.

ApochroMinute 32: Thrive
Join Amy M. Gardner today for a lunchtime presentation: Your Legal Career in 2021: 3 Tools Every Lawyer Needs to Not Just Survive, but Thrive. You can register at

ApochroMinute 31: Stop Sliding
Do you know how many hours of your life you spend at work? Watch this week’s ApochroMinute.

Future In Focus: Transitioning
One of our Future in Focus 2020 Mastermind members, Nashville lawyer Chelsea Ashworth, is making a transition to writing and editing.
She was a high school senior on September 11, 2001, and has written an essay with advice for today’s high school seniors.

Second to last month of...the decade!
The end of one month and beginning of the next is the perfect time to look ahead and reset where you are and where you’re going. It’s less intimidating and overwhelming than the beginning of a new year, and much more manageable to think about how you’ll use the next month to have more of the things you want in your career and life, and less of the things you don’t. And, as we enter one of the last two months of the decade, now is a great time to follow these six steps to set yourself up for a great month.