The blog for all things Apochromatik.
Farther, Faster…
Apochromatik's Holiday Guide
The holidays are here! With the combination of work parties, family activities, an expanded to do list, and all the end of the year craziness, you may not have been sitting at your desk, hitting refresh on the Apochromatik blog. We’ve rounded up some of our resources on the holidays, both articles that have quoted us as experts, and our own blog posts that can help you end December with deepened work relationships, having advanced your career, and with time and energy left for your most important relationships.
ApochroMinute 67: School Year
In this week’s ApochroMinute, we encouraged you to pause, reflect on the last few months, and consider what you want to do with the 1/3 of 2020 that remains. To get you started, here are some questions to spur your reflection. We hope you’ll do more than just reflect, though. We hope you’ll use these a few or all of these questions to launch your forward progress.
How a Mastermind Can Change Your Career
*OK, so maybe I’ve never had a direct conversation with TV character Leslie Knope of “Parks and Recreation." Or with Amy Poehler. But I’m pretty sure if I could, they’d both be in favor of masterminds. And, as we know, waffles.
You are More than a Worm
Have you ever heard the Howard Moskowitz quote, “to a worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish”?
If you haven’t, it may take a minute to process. (My first reaction was “why would a worm be in horseradish? Is it like having a worm in tequila?”) Another way to think about it is that when you’re in the thick of a situation—whether temporary or long-term—it can be impossible to see more than what is immediately in front of you. That can be a reasonable perspective; if a bear is charging you, it’s a huge asset to be able to focus on getting out of the way without being distracted by thoughts of a long-term crisis. But putting your head down and focusing on the things right around you it is not a good long-term strategy.
ApochroMinute 33: Accountability
What accountability tactic do you use to keep yourself progressing toward your goals? This week’s ApochroMinute shares tips.
ApochroMinute 32: Thrive
Join Amy M. Gardner today for a lunchtime presentation: Your Legal Career in 2021: 3 Tools Every Lawyer Needs to Not Just Survive, but Thrive. You can register at
ApochroMinute 31: Stop Sliding
Do you know how many hours of your life you spend at work? Watch this week’s ApochroMinute.
ApochroMinute 30: 1/3
In this week’s ApochroMinute, we encouraged you to pause, reflect on the last few months, and consider what you want to do with the 1/3 of 2020 that remains. To get you started, here are some questions to spur your reflection. We hope you’ll do more than just reflect, though. We hope you’ll use these a few or all of these questions to launch your forward progress.
ApochroMinute 29: Challenge
This week on the ApochroMinute, Keith shares three elements you need to be prepared for a career rebound, and invites you to join the Career Rebound Challenge.
Register at
Career Lessons from [Virtual] Adult Summer Camp
Recently I got to attend Heather Hubbard’s Summer Camp, a one-of-a-kind, three day virtual event that fulfilled Heather’s promise for attendees to leave “inspired, replenished, and refreshed.” (I was honored to also get to lead a workshop on career resiliency and career planning when circumstances are out of your control.) The event included several career lessons worth repeating, and these four may be especially helpful as you look forward to the rest of 2020.
ApochroMinute 28: Paper Bag
We recently heard some great advice from Heather Hubbard on video meetings. Check out this week’s ApochroMinute to hear her tip. And if you enjoyed this week’s video, please share it!
Thanks for watching.
What if 2020 is a cocoon? Career lessons from butterflies.
“Are you sure she’s ready?”
“Open the lid, Amy.”
“But what if she’s not ready?”
“She’s ready. Open. The. Lid.”
A few months ago, I found myself having this exchange at a butterfly park. As family members stood waiting, the tour guide kept nudging me to open the lid of what appeared to be a takeout soup container. Inside the container, a rare butterfly had emerged from the cocoon she had made on the underside of the lid. As she sat there, I kept wondering – what if she isn’t ready? And what I would see if I had a microscope? To my untrained and unenhanced eyes, this butterfly looked less like a runner at starting blocks, ready to launch, and more like a creature clutching the remnants of her old life.
ApochroMinute 27: The 2020 Cocoon
What do Monarch butterflies and cocoons have to do with your career? Check out this week’s ApochroMinute to find out.
2020 Has Really Been Something...Embrace Support
*OK, so maybe I’ve never had a direct conversation with TV character Leslie Knope of “Parks and Recreation." Or with Amy Poehler. But I’m pretty sure if I could, they’d both be in favor of masterminds. And, as we know, waffles.
Future In Focus: Transitioning
One of our Future in Focus 2020 Mastermind members, Nashville lawyer Chelsea Ashworth, is making a transition to writing and editing.
She was a high school senior on September 11, 2001, and has written an essay with advice for today’s high school seniors.
Go Streaking and 4 Other Tips to Create New Habits
“I’m too old to create new habits,” the client told me.
“What do you mean?” I asked, assuming I was misunderstanding. Nope, I was not:
“I’m too far along in my career and too set in my ways at this age to learn a new habit,” he clarified.
“Aren’t you 30?” I asked.
“No,” he said – “I’m 31.”
Don’t make resolutions, and 6 other tips for success in 2020
Last Wednesday wasn’t magical.
There, I said it. Yes, the new year is exciting – time to turn the page on 2019, and look forward to the blank slate of 2020. If your inbox is like mine, you probably had an onslaught of emails Tuesday and Wednesday with subject lines like “New Year, New You,” “New Year, New Discoveries,” or my favorite: “New Year, New Shoes” (because evidently, the 2019 me is good enough, but my shoes aren’t?!).
Apochromatik's Holiday Guide
The holidays are here! With the combination of work parties, family activities, an expanded to do list, and all the end of the year craziness, you may not have been sitting at your desk, hitting refresh on the Apochromatik blog. We’ve rounded up some of our resources on the holidays, both articles that have quoted us as experts, and our own blog posts that can help you end December with deepened work relationships, having advanced your career, and with time and energy left for your most important relationships.
2020 Goal Achievement | VOTW 121719
Prepare for a New Decade.
Did you miss the VOTW last week?
This week’s Video of the Week is a free Live Webinar: 2020 Goal Setting: 3 Tips To Achieve Goals and Prepare for a New Decade.
2020 Goal Achievement | VOTW 121019
Prepare for a New Decade.
Skip the New Year’s resolutions. Make 2020 the year you finally set and achieve goals that make a difference in your career and life. Get a jump on 2020 by joining Keith R. Sbiral for a free webinar from Apochromatik…