The blog for all things Apochromatik.
Farther, Faster…

6 Hacks to Crush Anxiety in Legal Writing
Summer associates and newer lawyers can relate to this situation: your supervisor hands you a writing assignment, and you face a deadline that’s a week or so away. At the moment the deadline feels remote. But you know that legal writing takes a lot longer than any writing you’ve done before and that you should get started now. But you can’t. Why is that?

Apochromatik's Holiday Guide
The holidays are here! With the combination of work parties, family activities, an expanded to do list, and all the end of the year craziness, you may not have been sitting at your desk, hitting refresh on the Apochromatik blog. We’ve rounded up some of our resources on the holidays, both articles that have quoted us as experts, and our own blog posts that can help you end December with deepened work relationships, having advanced your career, and with time and energy left for your most important relationships.

Start planning those days off!
The Wall Street Journal recently published articles with titles warning "No, Really, Your Boss Wants You to Take Vacation—Now” and "Companies Fret as Vacation Days Go Unused.” While the articles go into all the reasons stored up days are a problem for employers, the reality is that using vacation days can be helpful for you, and your career.

COVID-19 Response Resources
We have launched a resources page to help individuals and organizations manage the changing professional environment. Click here for the COVID-19 Response Resource Page.

Lawyer Well-Being Week, May 4-8, 2020
With the announcement of Lawyer Well-Being Week May 4-8, many firms are wondering how they’ll participate without adding more stress to already overloaded staff.

Apochromatik's Holiday Guide
The holidays are here! With the combination of work parties, family activities, an expanded to do list, and all the end of the year craziness, you may not have been sitting at your desk, hitting refresh on the Apochromatik blog. We’ve rounded up some of our resources on the holidays, both articles that have quoted us as experts, and our own blog posts that can help you end December with deepened work relationships, having advanced your career, and with time and energy left for your most important relationships.

7 Strategies to Manage Stress, Burnout, and Anxiety During the Job Search
“Kate” has it all together. We’ve worked to ensure her resume is excellent. Her cover letters are customized and strong. She is focused in her job search. She knows that networking is (usually) where the jobs are, and has worked to build an engaged and supportive network.
But . . . she’s at that point where she’s waiting to receive an offer for a job, waiting on another interview that needed to be rescheduled, waiting for a couple of key people in her network to come back from vacation and make introductions. And she’s hit a wall. She is tired from the stress of job interviews, networking, tired of working to find her next job at the same time she’s working ridiculous hours at the current job, tired of also doing her share at home, anxious about how much longer she’ll have to continue enduring this process. . . .

Happy 4th of July | VOTW 070219
This week marks the halfway point of the year, so it’s a great time to relax and recharge. Next week we’ll be back with our usual career- and goal-focused Videos of the Week. But for this week, enjoy this compilation of fireworks. Happy 4th!