The blog for all things Apochromatik.
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Team Transformation: Employee Engagement
This article from has prompted a lot of discussion among our team.
'Be More Intentional': How GCs Are Building Camaraderie Amid Hybrid Work
"It is so much easier to trust someone at work when you know the whole person and trust them with your whole person," said Theresa Shea, general counsel of Utz Brands.

Team Development, Leadership, and Employee Engagement
If you think your team is operating at the same level of engagement and passion as they were a year ago, the studies are clear that you’re fooling yourself.
Employees are tired.

Employee Engagement & Business Performance
According to a 2022 report from Gallup, companies that score high in employee engagement more than double their odds for success compared to those who score low in employee engagement.
So what is employee engagement and how can you use it for the betterment of your employees and company? We’ve prepared a free resource on employee engagement and first steps to increase yours.

Empathy: A Critical Leadership Skill
This week we focus on empathy, an important part of the emotional intelligence leaders need. Dr. Brené Brown explains the difference between sympathy and empathy and how to respond when someone else is struggling.
This three minute RSA Short will stay with you long after the week is over.
Employee Engagement and Team Development
If you think your team is operating at the same level of engagement and passion as they were a year ago, the studies are clear that you’re fooling yourself.
Employees are tired.

The Cross-Generational Challenge: How Teams Can Unlock Their Hidden Potential in a Five Generation Workplace
“If they want their job, they better get themselves back in the office. The office is where work gets done and if they aren’t here, they aren’t getting work done.” These were the first words from an octogenarian senior law firm partner in response to our recent question, “How do you feel your firm will respond to the desire for a hybrid work model?” Ironically, the conversation eventually moved to the current difficulty in hiring.

Apochromatik's Holiday Guide
The holidays are here! With the combination of work parties, family activities, an expanded to do list, and all the end of the year craziness, you may not have been sitting at your desk, hitting refresh on the Apochromatik blog. We’ve rounded up some of our resources on the holidays, both articles that have quoted us as experts, and our own blog posts that can help you end December with deepened work relationships, having advanced your career, and with time and energy left for your most important relationships.

Presence: A key element of leadership
When you think of leadership skills, executive presence may not be the first thing that comes to mind.

ApochroMinute 62: Burnout
Burned out? You’re in good company; a majority of American workers report feeling burned out right now. This week’s ApochroMinute includes 2 strategies to help you overcome burnout and exhaustion.

ApochroMinute 61: Butterflies
What do butterflies have to do with your career? We’ll share the answer Thursday. But for now, this week’s ApochroMinute brings you a moment of calm to take a breath and maybe even reflect.

ApochroMinute 60: Dare Greatly
Teddy Roosevelt gave his “man in the arena“ speech 111 years ago this week. What can job seekers learn from it? Find out in this week’s ApochroMinute.

Managing Top Performers
Apochromatik’s Keith R. Sbiral’s management expertise was recently featured by the Harvard Business Review.
In the article, “Managing a Top Performer Who Alienates Their Colleagues” by Rebecca Knight, Keith shared a case study of a high performer he managed who had issues engaging with others.

Recently Published: Why engagement should top your to-do list in 2021
Apochromatik’s Amy M. Gardner and Keith R. Sbiral recently authored an article for The Bottom Line, the newsletter of the Illinois State Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law Office Management and Economics.
In the article, "Goals Only Go So Far: Why Engagement Should Top Your To-Do List in 2021,” they discussed strategies to engage employees and the benefits for morale, productivity, and the bottom line.

Getting Stuff Done in Quarter 2
Want to Get Stuff Done?
"Urgent things shout, important things whisper. Listen to the whispers." -- Ken Groen

How a Mastermind Can Change Your Career
*OK, so maybe I’ve never had a direct conversation with TV character Leslie Knope of “Parks and Recreation." Or with Amy Poehler. But I’m pretty sure if I could, they’d both be in favor of masterminds. And, as we know, waffles.

Team Engagement
If you think your team is operating at the same level of engagement and passion as they were a year ago, the studies are clear that you’re fooling yourself.
Employees are tired.

Apochromatik Book Bundle 7: 2021 Recharge and Reset
Today we are releasing Apochromatik’s seventh book bundle.
2020 has certainly been an anomalous year. To put it bluntly, for many it has been difficult due to health and financial issues, and for almost all of us it has been exhausting. We feel it is crucial to consider reflecting on how you can recharge and reset, allowing you intentional margin going into 2021. We hope this makes your 2021 a fantastic year.

6 Tips to Keep Clients Happy
Landing clients is one thing. Keeping them happy is another. Last week we addressed what to do when you’ve disappointed a client. This week, we’re sharing six tips to help you keep clients happy in the first place.Here are seven tips to turn around a disappointed client, and to make sure even those who leave say good things about you.

7 Tips to Turn Around a Disappointed Client
Whether you’re an accountant, attorney, bus driver, business owner, or teacher, you have clients. Next week we’ll focus on how to keep those clients happy. At some point, though, no matter how hard you try, you will inevitably disappoint and even lose clients, whether for a reason you can agree with (maybe they need a service you can’t provide) or one you can’t (they aren’t happy with the services you’ve provided). How you treat disappointed clients not only reflects on you and your business, but also can impact whether they come back and what they say about you to others.
Here are seven tips to turn around a disappointed client, and to make sure even those who leave say good things about you.

2020 Has Really Been Something...Embrace Support
*OK, so maybe I’ve never had a direct conversation with TV character Leslie Knope of “Parks and Recreation." Or with Amy Poehler. But I’m pretty sure if I could, they’d both be in favor of masterminds. And, as we know, waffles.