The blog for all things Apochromatik.
Farther, Faster…
10 Strategies to Keep Productive & Positive During a Crisis
I was recently on a panel asked to share strategies for keeping productive and positive during a crisis. (For the entire discussion on “Motivation and Resilience – Key Thoughts in a Complex World,” click here to listen.) Some of the ideas my fellow panelists and I shared might be helpful to you.
To be clear, we certainly don’t want to minimize the current – or any – crisis. If you are in the middle of a life and death crisis, these strategies will be of very limited use, and reaching out to a therapist or other support will be more helpful. But for others, I hope these ten strategies can help you keep productive and positive.
ApochroMinute 10: Video Meetings
Suddenly spending a lot more time in video meetings? This week’s ApochroMinute shares tips to make your video image as professional as possible, even in less-than-ideal work conditions.
COVID-19 Response Resources
We have launched a resources page to help individuals and organizations manage the changing professional environment. Click here for the COVID-19 Response Resource Page.
ApochroMinute 9: Social Distancing Networking
Today in the ApochroMinute, a quick tip to help you build and deepen relationships in your network, even in a time of social distancing.
11 Rules for Supervising Remote Employees
Last week we shared 11 Rules You Need to Know for Working Remotely, whether occasionally or full-time. As we noted, 70% of workers around the world are remote at least one day per week, and more than 50% work remotely at least half of the time. That means that more and more managers now supervise people working remotely. And, particularly due to COVID-19, more and more employees are suddenly working remotely without time for them or their supervisors to nail down the logistics.
ApochroMinute 8: Automate
On this week’s ApochroMinute, time management and the benefits of automation.
11 Rules You Need to Know for Working Remotely
With more workers being given the option to work remotely either in general or due to Covid-19, this week we’re resharing our popular 11 Rules You Need to Know for Working Remotely.
ApochroMinute 7: Eliminate
On this week’s ApochroMinute, time management and the benefits of elimination.
ApochroMinute 6: Executive Presence
Executive presence is critical to your professional success, and it’s more than feeling confident giving presentations.
On this week’s ApochroMinute, a simple step you can take to improve your executive presence today, and a brand new, free tool to help you assess and improve your presence: our exclusive Executive Presence Profile Quiz.
Applying for a new job? Consistency counts
If you caught this week’s ApochroMinute, you know that it’s important for your résumé, cover letter, references, and other materials to have consistent fonts, margins, and headers. Making sure your materials appear consistent is important, and once you have that taken care of, you can help your candidacy by making sure you are putting forth a professional image.
Lawyer Well-Being Week, May 4-8, 2020
With the announcement of Lawyer Well-Being Week May 4-8, many firms are wondering how they’ll participate without adding more stress to already overloaded staff.
How is 2020 going for you?
If your check engine light comes on in your car do you go on YouTube, buy some self help books, check with friends, ignore it as long as you can, and eventually take it apart in the evening after work in your garage? Or, do you call your mechanic or car dealership to run a diagnostic? The vast majority of us don’t have the technical skill to troubleshoot modern cars...but do we have the technical skills to troubleshoot our career and personal goals?
8 Tips to Fit More Reading into Your Schedule in 2020
There are plenty of reasons reading more is important for professionals, from improving brain functions to keeping up on trends and developments in your industry, giving you something to talk about and think about outside work and family, to just feeling like you are using your brain. But when was the last time you sat down with a novel or any other book you didn’t have to read for work? In fact, 31% of Americans report that they have read just 1-5 books in the last year.
Exercise: 9 Tips to Find the Time
If you have a fitness-related goal you haven’t made progress on yet, you’re not alone. When you’re trying to juggle a career and a semblance of a life outside work, finding time to exercise isn’t easy. Here are some tips to help.
Don’t make resolutions, and 6 other tips for success in 2020
Last Wednesday wasn’t magical.
There, I said it. Yes, the new year is exciting – time to turn the page on 2019, and look forward to the blank slate of 2020. If your inbox is like mine, you probably had an onslaught of emails Tuesday and Wednesday with subject lines like “New Year, New You,” “New Year, New Discoveries,” or my favorite: “New Year, New Shoes” (because evidently, the 2019 me is good enough, but my shoes aren’t?!).
Apochromatik's Holiday Guide
The holidays are here! With the combination of work parties, family activities, an expanded to do list, and all the end of the year craziness, you may not have been sitting at your desk, hitting refresh on the Apochromatik blog. We’ve rounded up some of our resources on the holidays, both articles that have quoted us as experts, and our own blog posts that can help you end December with deepened work relationships, having advanced your career, and with time and energy left for your most important relationships.
7 Ways to Maintain Your Career Motivation Over the Holidays
Sometimes it seems there’s a virtual black hole between November and the end of the year that devours work productivity. This time of year is usually a chaotic rush of holiday parties, cross-country travel, and visiting friends and family, all of which can impose distractions and make it difficult to focus on day-to-day duties at work. Plus, most workplaces start to slow down over the holidays, which also can hinder career motivation. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid the void. Follow these tips to help maintain your motivation and set yourself up for success in the new year.
Holiday gifts for the office that will put you on Santa’s good list
The holidays are coming, and along with gifts for friends and family, you likely have gifts for coworkers on your list. In case you happen to have ?????? next to them on your list, here are a few guidelines to follow, and a few suggestions.
Are you thinking about 2020? Are you thinking about the end of another decade?
It’s time to start thinking about this now.