The blog for all things Apochromatik.

Farther, Faster…

The Cross-Generational Challenge:    How Teams Can Unlock Their Hidden Potential in a Five Generation Workplace

The Cross-Generational Challenge:   How Teams Can Unlock Their Hidden Potential in a Five Generation Workplace

“If they want their job, they better get themselves back in the office. The office is where work gets done and if they aren’t here, they aren’t getting work done.” These were the first words from an octogenarian senior law firm partner in response to our recent question, “How do you feel your firm will respond to the desire for a hybrid work model?” Ironically, the conversation eventually moved to the current difficulty in hiring.

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Apochromatik's Holiday Guide

Apochromatik's Holiday Guide

The holidays are here! With the combination of work parties, family activities, an expanded to do list, and all the end of the year craziness, you may not have been sitting at your desk, hitting refresh on the Apochromatik blog. We’ve rounded up some of our resources on the holidays, both articles that have quoted us as experts, and our own blog posts that can help you end December with deepened work relationships, having advanced your career, and with time and energy left for your most important relationships.

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Is your annual review approaching?

Is your annual review approaching?

Performance reviews are just around the corner in many firms and organizations. We often hear that people are “too busy” to prepare for their review. That’s like saying “I was so busy packing for vacation that I didn’t have time to book a plane ticket.” Your review may be the one time all year when you and your boss both carve out time to sit and talk about your career.

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How To Know It's Time To Go

How To Know It's Time To Go

More evidence amasses each day that experiences, not things, are what bring people happiness. In my own life, I can say that I've had more recurring positive feelings remembering past trips I've taken than enjoying any item I've ever purchased. Being that an average person will spend around 90,000 hours, or 1/3 of a lifetime, at work, it behooves us to pursue careers that provide meaningful experiences in addition to a solid income. For those considering a career change to find more fulfillment, I've compiled a list of questions to ask yourself to sort out whether it's time for you to take the leap.

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Strategies for Successfully Working From Home

Strategies for Successfully Working From Home

After the last 18 months, many of our work from home practices could use some fine tuning, particularly if you plan to work from home at least part-time for the foreseeable future. Otherwise, work can easily invade your entire home and every waking moment. Likewise, it can be easy to keep up bad habits that can leave you feeling inefficient and ineffective. In this week’s post, Chelsea B. Ashworth shares some reminders and suggestions for working from home effectively and efficiently.

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ApochroMinute 67: School Year

ApochroMinute 67: School Year

In this week’s ApochroMinute, we encouraged you to pause, reflect on the last few months, and consider what you want to do with the 1/3 of 2020 that remains. To get you started, here are some questions to spur your reflection. We hope you’ll do more than just reflect, though. We hope you’ll use these a few or all of these questions to launch your forward progress.

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Leveraging Habits To Change Your Life - Part Two

Leveraging Habits To Change Your Life - Part Two

According to Clear, the most proven scientific analysis of personality traits (as of the time his book was published) is "The Big Five," which is an inventory of five principle traits. Clear describes the traits as: 1) Openness to Experience (curious and inventive versus cautious and consistent), 2) Conscientiousness (organized and efficient versus easygoing and spontaneous), 3) Extraversion (outgoing and energetic extraversion versus solitary and reserved introversion), 4) Agreeableness (friendly and compassionate versus challenging and detached), and 5) Neuroticism (anxious and sensitive versus calm and stable).

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ApochroMinute 66: Focus

ApochroMinute 66: Focus

Can you believe we are almost half way through the year?
When you have big goals, progress can feel insurmountable.

That’s why this week we invite you to take one minute to watch the power of Niagara Falls eroding away the rock below. Progress doesn’t happen over night; it’s the result of small steps (or drops of water) over time.

Then go to and join us to commit (or recommit) to your goals for the second half of 2021.

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Leveraging Habits To Change Your Life - Part One

Leveraging Habits To Change Your Life - Part One

James Clear has a passion for self-improvement and optimization via habit engineering. I recently listened to his book Atomic Habits on Audible and I was spellbound. I wrote so many notes that I'm actually going to divide this article into two parts. In Part One, I want to share Clear's four laws of habit building, which he believes are key to making change.

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